Uyghur life in Turpan Desert Oasis – 吐鲁番沙漠绿洲的维吾尔族生活

Tulufan, also known as Turpan, is a city located in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China. It is a place of rich cultural heritage, breathtaking landscapes, and fascinating history. From ancient ruins to sublime natural wonders, Tulufan has something to offer for every traveler. 作者:吐鲁番市课题调查组 所属图书:中国国情丛书——百县市经济社

Что смотреть на выставке ассирийского искусства в Эрмитаже

Библиотека Ашшурбанипала, таблички с «Эпосом о Гильгамеше», письма разведчиков, гигантские статуи крылатых людей-быков. В Эрмитаже открылась первая в истории России выставка искусства Древней Ассирии из собрания Британского музея.

Oman’s Maritime and Shipbuilding Heritage – Jonathan Bentham (Observatoire Patrimoine d’Orient)

The Sultanate of Oman has a notable maritime tradition. Situated at the south-eastern corner of the Arabian Peninsula, it is isolated terrestrially from the rest of the Asian continent. Despite this, its advantageous location at a maritime crossroads has influenced its development significantly. Its access to the Gulf of Oman, the Gulf of Aden, the […]

Modelli culturali e psicoterapia. La lezione di Dwairy

La riflessione intorno allo statuto dell’ “Altro”, del “diverso”, parte spesso da una polarizzazione Noi/Voi che per gli studiosi occidentali ha trovato in passato grande fortuna e valore scientifico in tutti i campi del sapere. Se tale suddivisione è stata prevalentemente criticata in ambito antropologico [1], essa incontra, ancora tutt’oggi, consenso in altre branche di […]